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2018 Nude Calendar

2018 Nude Calendar

The 2018 Annual Nude Calendar is available! 100% of funds go directly to Rural and Regional Mental Health. ORDER HERE NOW!

VetBall 2017 - 007

VetBall 2017 - 007

Bailando Keg 2017

Bailando Keg 2017

VetCruise - 'Welcome to the Jungle'

VetCruise - 'Welcome to the Jungle'

Beers Pies Bull 2017

Beers Pies Bull 2017

Quad-Fac 2015

Quad-Fac 2015

Quad-Fac started up again with the boys and Girls looking to continue their glorious ways! Both teams racked up impressive wins against Dentistry in Round 1 of the annual tournament.

VetBall 2015 - Masquerade

VetBall 2015 - Masquerade

The harbour was lined with gorgeous Vetlets and Mini Bio-Scientists as the 2014-15 committee ran their last and most luxurious event so far!

Heroes Vs Villains: Black Dog Keg

Heroes Vs Villains: Black Dog Keg

The Heroes of VetSoc brought you this keg to help raise money for The Black Dog Institute, helping to fund the research and treatment of mood disorders like depression and anxiety. Nearly $1000 was raised on the night!

Halfway Dinner - End of an Era

Halfway Dinner - End of an Era

With the BVSc facing extinction, this Halfway dinner was likely the last in the faculty's history. 3rd Years donned their finest attire and made way to the Ivy Grand Ballroom to celebrate making it this far!

'Have a Pawse' - Study Break Day

'Have a Pawse' - Study Break Day

With the ever looming pressure of exams we organised a day for the pets at Rocky's K9 Rescue to come along and share the puppy love. This is the adorable Pippa looking for a furever home!

Charity Dinner

Charity Dinner

The annual charity dinner was a roaring success with about $1500 being raised in total for the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program.

VetCruise - 'The Boat That Rocked'

VetCruise - 'The Boat That Rocked'

As nearly 300 vetlets and bioscientists descended on Darling Harbour, with all genres of music represented, we knew we were in for a big night!

Beers Pies Bull 2015

Beers Pies Bull 2015

Beer and cider flowing, punch splashed everywhere, and a bull in the roundhouse. This night was one for the ages! Check out the photos!

Book Sale & Vet Fair

Book Sale & Vet Fair

4th of March, we held a book sale for all the students, as well has a BBQ so that the various Vet-based societies and some sponsors could directly interact with all the students! Thank you to all those involved in the day, especially the Centre for Veterinary Education for providing us with the BBQ!

VetSoc the Big Winners at C&S Awards

VetSoc the Big Winners at C&S Awards

On October 23rd, at an 80's Prom themed awards night, the 2013-14 VetSoc committee were honoured by the USU Clubs & Societies for being the Best Executive in all of USYD! They also walked away with the award for Best Website and a Highly Commended award for Best Faculty Club. Our sister society, The Wildlife Society, claimed top prize for Best T-Shirt design as well.

Dinner with the Village Vets!

Dinner with the Village Vets!

St. Paul's College recently held a dinner dedicated to the Vet Faculty. A few lucky people were treated to drinks and food with special guests of the evening, The Village Vets, who after dinner held an informative Q&A session on what it takes to succeed as a new graduate. Thank you to all those involved in the evening!

Vet Wins Semester 2 Interfac Sport

Vet Wins Semester 2 Interfac Sport

After a strong 2nd half of the year vet has won the semester of Interfaculty sport and came 4th overall! Special mention goes to, our very own, Freddie Oxenham who not only won Sportsman of the Year but tirelessly ran Interfac sport for us! Cannot say thank you enough! Congratulations and thank you to everybody involved this year!



Recently we saw the first event held by the New Surgery Society. The workshop was easily one of the most successful events of late and praise must be given to the students (and staff) who worked no end to make this a brilliant evening. Well done, and we hope to see this new group go from strength to strength in the coming year.

Vetball 2014

Vetball 2014

The VetSoc committee of 2013/14 pose one last as a group at the prestigious, Secret Garden themed Vetball. A celebratory night where students across all the degrees come together and enjoy each others company.

Vet Halfway Dinner

Vet Halfway Dinner

After 2.5 years of intensive study, our young vets celebrated their halfway point and look forward to the final stretch of their prosperous futures.

AVBS Charity Dinner

AVBS Charity Dinner

Students from AVBS, Vet and DVM came together for a night of awareness and fundraising in the name of the Save the Tasmanian Devil Foundation. As a faculty we managed to raise thousands of dollars.

Fiesta Del Keg

Fiesta Del Keg

With over 150 Mexican and Latino inspired costumes, vet students hit the lawns to test their skills agains the pinata and nachos eating!



Just over a hundred students came down and tickled their vocal cords booming the likes of Celine Dion to Bon Jovi.

Vet Cruise: Cirque Du Sail

Vet Cruise: Cirque Du Sail

Hundreds of magicians, elephants, clowns, tight rope walkers and ring leaders, from all the degrees, boarded to sail the high seas!

Beer, Pies & Bull

Beer, Pies & Bull

The VetSoc committee beautifully pose before the annual Beer, Pies & Bull Keg. This years theme was 'The Rodeo' which saw over 220 cowboys and cowgirls test their skills on the mechanical bull despite a blackout in the middle of the night.

Zombie Scrub Crawl

Zombie Scrub Crawl

In November 2013, a group of flesh eating committee members led a hoard of 60 zombified students through the streets of Newtown, infecting the likes of the Alfred Hotel, Newtown Hotel, Zanzibar and the Marleborough Hotel. Torrential rain couldn't stop the thirst for blood after a few weeks of gruelling exams.

Beach it for the Bush

Beach it for the Bush

In October 2013, VetSoc raised a massive $350 for WIRES in light of the destructuve fires that ruined the habitats of humans and animals in Sydney.

Quad Faculty Rugby

Quad Faculty Rugby

The end of 2013 marked the annual Quad Faculty Rugby series where the courageous men and women of the Veterinary Faculty formed a rugby and touch team respectively. The gents went down fighting while the ladies showed their class and thrashed the competition.

VetSoc Committee 2013-14

VetSoc Committee 2013-14

A formal breakfast provided the foundation to welcome the new VetSoc committee and celebrate the outgoing committee.

Clubs and Societies Awards Night

Clubs and Societies Awards Night

Representatives of the previous and new committee attended an awards night held by the Sydney University Union to recognise the efforts and dedication of clubs and societies within the university.

VetSoc Committee 2012-13

VetSoc Committee 2012-13

The outgoing VetSoc committee pose proudly in light of their outstanding year and successful Vetball.

The Month's Events

 VetBall 2024
 VetBall 2024
24 Oct 2024, 7:30 pm
169 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia


  •  VetBall 2024
     VetBall 2024
    Thu, 24 Oct
    24 Oct 2024, 7:30 pm
    Darlinghurst, 169 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia
    24 Oct 2024, 7:30 pm
    Darlinghurst, 169 Oxford St, Darlinghurst NSW 2010, Australia
    Hey you! It's the biggest, baddest, ballest event of the year, the annual VetSoc Ball!
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