For as long as there have been students in the Faculty of Veterinary Science, there has been sport. Years ago, sporting within the Faculty was organised by the Sydney University Veterinary Science Sports Club. This was an independent body within the Faculty consisting of a President and its own executive committee until it was dissolved.
In recent years, sport within the Faculty has been organised on a less club-like basis, being run by two second year students selected on the basis of participation in sporting events during the year. These sporting events are held by the Sydney University Sports and Fitness Club, and participants from many faculties (including Dentistry, Education, Pharmacy, Education, Law and Vet) battle it out for faculty pride. Every week a new sport is contended, with a wide range including (but not limited to) touch football, soccer, netball, basketball, cricket, AFL, tennis, rock climbing and a 5km run.
VetSoc has historically encouraged and supported sport participation and spectation by supplying Faculty wear for players and holding the traditional Rugby & Changeover Keg.

Veterinary Science AFL 9's Runners Up 2013

Veterinary Science Rugby Team after 52-0 win 2014

Veterinary Science Girl's Touch & Boys Rugby 2014

Veterinary Science's Frederic Oxenham:
Sportsman of the Year 2014

Veterinary Science after winning Semester 2 of Interfaculty Sport

Veterinary Science Cricket Champions 2013

Veterinary Science Touch Football Champions 2014

Veterinary Science Girl's Basketball Runners Up 2014

Veterinary Science Ultimate Frisbee 3rd Place 2014

Veterinary Science Netball Runners Up 2014
(Plus 'Pepper' the guide dog mascot)

Veterinary Science Boys Rugby 2015
Veterinary Science Boys Rugby 2015

Veterinary Science Girls Touch 2015

Veterinary Science Boys Rugby 2015
Veterinary Science Boys Rugby 2015

Veterinary Science Girls Touch 2015